- overview and introduction to the basic concepts of RF combiners and RF splitters. 閱讀全文... | 2886字符 (含本文)
RF combiners, splitters, couplers and hybrids are a group of circuits and components that are used in many RF applications to split, combine or sample RF power in circuits. Being similar in nature, they are often linked together in explanations or within similar areas within manufacturers catalogues. 閱讀全文... | 2474字符 (含本文)
(支援的機型以黑體字表示:E5071C E5070B/71B E5070A/71A E5061A/62A E5061B E5072A)如果需要每埠使用不同的參考阻抗來量測待測裝置,需要使用 ENA 的一組轉接器移除插入功能與阻抗轉換功能。只要待測裝置是可將特性阻抗從 50 Ω 轉換為 75 Ω 的雙埠裝置,就需要準備 50 到 75 Ω 最小損耗墊,以及符合接頭類型的 50 Ω 與 75 Ω 校驗套件。 閱讀全文... | 5552字符 (含本文)
Established in January 2004, MoCA is an open industry standards consortium. MoCA technology is in use by all of the cable, satellite and telco/IPTV operators in the US. MoCA enabled products are available from customer installers and retail outlets. 閱讀全文... | 5040字符 (含本文)
2007年,蘋果公司第一台iPhone面試。同年,第四代Wi-Fi無線技術——802.11n——應運而生。在當時剛剛起步兩年的YouTube上大家見到的還是中等解析度視頻,這項無線技術剛好可以滿足針對這一類視頻的消費需求。 閱讀全文... | 5542字符 (含本文)